What is better a filter or the real photo captured by the camera on auto focus ?

Hubby and I like to eat our evening meal outside on the
verandah overlooking the little lake and pier ,
at our holiday accomodation.
This is the same time that the native birds come
into feed on the Grevilleas .
Always in search of the best possible photo I have
the camera ready and more often then not, will abandon
my meal and go off taking photos.
We stayed out a bit later the other night and I was
able to play with the changing light of dusk
My favourite shot is this one below.
No filter added. This was how my auto-focus camera captured the light.
I decided to trial some filters and the
following are the resulting photos.
I like them all but my favourite is the original
because it was a gift from my camera to me.

Open your eyes

I must admit that I have never been a real fan our Grevilleas,

until this week when they became a photo subject for me.

Getting up close and personal with them has opened

my eyes to their beauty as each flower uncurls.

It goes to show that things and people who

are often overlooked as being different, odd and nothing special

can turn out to be the most fascinating of subjects

when we just stop to take the time to look at them.

Splendour in nature.

I took this photo yesterday of a beautiful Lorikeet as it fed on a Grevillea bush just outside the back door of our unit.

Whilst a bit wary of sudden noise , this little guy came right up to the front of the bush to pose for photos.

Known for their cheekiness and noise , the Lorikeet is one of the most people trusting birds in our Australian wildlife.
